Thursday 19 April 2012

OK, coming up to date

Monday: Breakfast was cherios, lunch was a chop with mash at home and evening meal was a chease salad with pickled onions (home made). Went in to see if I could join a gym. Paid £20 for an induction, I will take it tomorrow morning. I popped into town for a few bits and bobs and played radios.
I belong to a radio club and I recently offered to create and manage the clubs webs site, as I used to design, write, upload and manage my old web site and that included advertising banners and a checkout system with credit card payment. I am used to common old HTML and currently use Front Page from Microsoft to write my sites.
A very kind man offered us free web space on his LInux Server, but we would have to prepare the site using software called Joomla, or something similar. I am not a PC wizzard. I know how to run some software packages and that is it. I used to be a PC wizzard, but then they got rid of Windows 3.11 and I was scuppered.
So, I downloaded thismagic software and started reading through the pages and pages of web sites and PDF's and chat threads and then after I had attempted to download the software for the umpteenth time, I gave up.
I have spoken to a friend and he said, write it as HTML and it should be OK, keep it simple and it should still be able to run on the Linux server, as the HTML actually runs on the clients PC, not the server. So I am going to write a sample page and see if that works, I will put a simple link in and if it uploads and runs on IE and Mozilla that is all I need.

Tuesday: Breakfast was a BLT (yes I know, but it was before a day of activitty, so I did it anyway, lunch was a sub way, evening meal was a chop, mash, carrots, peas and gravy.
I joined a gym yesterday, it is £32.50 a month for membership of two gyms and a swimmingpool, with classes included. My company will reimburse me £15 a month for doing this. Nice.
I have previously been a member at the first gym twice before. I arrived and other than the rolling roads and the cross trainers, all the kit was the same.  However, I still had to go through all the induction and be shown how all the equipment worked. Plus this means I have to use each piece of equipment for about 10 minutes or 20 repertitions. Then I did a fitness test on 2 of the cross trainers and 2 of the "resistance" systems. By the end of it I thought I was going to die! My arms felt like they were about to drop off. I went straight into town and had a subway 6 inch sandwich and the largest diet pepsi the world has ever seen!.

Wednesday: Breakfast was cherios, lunch was cold meat and various veg, evening meal was a sandwich, pickles and chese on crackers later on. I also had some peanuts.
I went into the other gym and did the induction there. It took nearly two hours but was not anywhere as bad as the first, as I did not have to do any fitness test. I think I prefer the first gym, but the second one has a pool. I can use either, so no problem there.
I took £200 I have been saving and put it in my wallet. Today is Radio Club day and I was to pick up my new HF radio. It is not actually new, it is second hand, but it is new to me. I have wanted a short wave receiver, a proper one, since I was in college. Now I will finally get one, plus it is also a transmitter. It does all the Ham bands in the HF spectrum, plus it does 50MHz, 144-146 & 433-436MHz as well. It is exactly what I need. I will still need to get tuning units and antennas and find somewhere to put the antennas up, but this is now the core of my hobby. I am happy.
My daughter told me how good the film Battleship was, so I went to see it and she is right. It is good.
Just as I was going into the cinema (huge diet coke in hand) my girly phoned, she has some news for me! Oops, I have to put her off, as the film is about to start. After the film I phone her back and it is that her old company wants to make life hard for her and rather than letting her go nicely, and letting her go to Dubai for a visa change. They are sending her to Philippines. Evil people. We have come up with a solution, I won't say what it is until after it has worked, so I don't jinx it.
I went to the radio club, I got the radio and it is wonderful. I got home at about 2230, I went to bed about 0230, yes, I was playing with it.

Thursday: Went into the gym this morning, and it was packed. So I played with VHF/UHF and CB radio for most of today. I am confirmed for my retinipathy scan tomorrow morning, so I will go to the gym after that. I am baby sitting tonight so it will be a mad dash back from the daughters to get to the hospital on time.

More later...

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