Wednesday 11 January 2012

The Car! The Book!

Today I had arranged for my elder daughter to come over from Milton Keynes to Bozeat to pick me up and take me to Nothampton so we can register the car in my name and tax it. The paper work on the car was in a bit of a mess.
So we set off, with the insurance document I have for the car and arrive at Northampton DVLA.
While I am filling out the D62 (I think that is the right one) my eldest noticed that I had the wrong registration number for the car.
So, we had to high tail it up to her university so I could go on line to the car insurance people and change the details. Amazingly enough, the web site was so easy to use that I was able to change the details and get a cover note printed out in under about 30 minutes!
We then went down and paid for a new V5C form and paid the tax, which I was shocked to find was £104 for 6 months. It is not only the cows that are being milked.
So, we set off for Milton Keynes to collect the car.
The car had not been driven for a while, and I can only assume that it must have got a bit damp, as when I opened the car it smelt of damp and mold. In fact the passenger seat and rear passenger seat where both covered in mold!
Also, not surprisingly, the battery was a flat, as the car has not been used.
We jump started the car and I drove it home. I will have to replace the rear windscreen wiper, and the brakes were a bit strange, and a bit harsh!
But I got home in one piece.
Now, the great news. My book is selling. 5 copies so far, but that is 5 copies I had not sold before!
I have added about 500 words to the next one today, I am still looking at uploading it next week.
Today is not a bad day!

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